Monday, November 22, 2010

Michael C. Mott

I have quite a bit of catching up to do. We didn't do a whole lot during my last trimester, so we'll just jump to the day Michael was born!

We got to the hospital at 11:00 p.m. on August 10th. Cameron went the speed limit the whole way there. Ugg! I had to wait in a room while they monitered the contractions for about 4 hours. Even though Cameron did a great job at helping me get through them, I was very grateful when they gave me the epidural! I was able to take a little nap after that! We had to wait for quite a while before Michael was ready to come out, but it was worth it!

Michael was born on August 11, 2010 at 3:22p.m. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long! He was a beautiful baby!

Me and Cameron with Michael!

He was so little!

Cameron and I were both really tired!

Isn't he adorable! (Thanks Chelsea for the cute pics you took!)

We stayed at the hospital for 3 days and then got to take him home. It was such an exciting (and scary) feeling driving home with him, knowing that our lives would never be the same. We love him so much and are so grateful he came to us when he did!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Cameron and I just celebrated our one year anniversary! I can't believe how fast time has flown! To celebrate we decided to go on a road trip to Colorado and see Mesa Verde. The trip started out a little rocky but it was a blast! Poor Cameron woke up the morning we left with a cold. We both got a little sick while we were there, but the last day we both felt great! The sites were gorgeous and the hikes were a lot of fun.

I couldn't believe how amazing the structures were. They were built right into the cliffs. This site is called Spruce Tree House.

Unfortunately, you can't walk around inside them, but they do have some areas that they have renovated where you can go.

This was down inside one the renovated rooms. This was where they held their religious services. They also believe that because of the warmth the rooms provided in the winter, that families would have been able to sleep in them.

This was one of the sites that was built above ground. Even though a lot of the people lived in the mountainsides, some still stayed on top. That was where they would farm beans and corn.

This is one of the other sites and the largest one that we were able to see. It is called Cliff Palace. There were over 150 rooms all together.

They used what space they had very well. They would build all the way to the top and to the very back of the cave.

This is a better view of what the rooms for religious services looked like. They are down in the ground and you have to climb down a ladder to get inside. They have a fire pit in the center of the room. There is a hole in the wall that goes up to the ground and acts as a vent to keep the air circulating in the room. Then they built a wall in front of the fire to keep the air from putting the fire out.

It was a great trip! We will have to go back someday and see the rest of the sites they have there. We didn't get to see all of them because of the time of the year that we went. That will be trip for for us and the kids someday!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home

One of my favorite memories of our first year of marriage was our first apartment. We got really lucky when we found it. It was in downtown Provo. During the school year it was an all girls apartment but, during the summer the owners would rent out the empty rooms to married couples. One of the greatest things about it, was how affordable it was. But as with most things that cheap, it of course came with it's little quirks!

Our first apartment!

I loved all the cupboard space it had! Our kitchen now doesn't have any space. We have to keep all our appliances in the spare bedroom!

We didn't have a dish washer in that apartment. Strangely enough we did the dishes more often when we didn't have one then now when we do!

This is Cameron cleaning the front room on the day we were moving out. The couches had their own little quirks to them. They had big holes in the back where the springs had popped out. Every time we sat down the springs would scratch the paint off the wall behind the couch. Despite the springs pointing out the back, those couches were pretty comfortable!

Oh, the wonderful bathroom! We had absolutely no water pressure. It was always a treat when we got to shower at either of our parent's houses! Cameron and I also decided that the toilet was a children's toilet. It was so low that every time you sat down, it felt like you were eating your knees! At least the shower head was taller than Cameron. Right now our shower head goes to my nose! Poor Cameron!

This was the spare bedroom. We had to keep the beds in it, so we just leaned them up against the wall to give us more floor space.

Have you also noticed the different colored carpet? Green and red! It's Christmas all year round!

But of all the quirks in the apartment, this was my favorite one...

We like to say that we had a king size bed the first 4 months we were married. But since we were living in an all girls apartment complex they only had twin beds. So, our "king size bed" was just 2 twins pushed together!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ha Ha! I've done it!

First off, I just wanted to say congrats to me! I finally got this blog up and running! Now Cameron and I can prove to everyone else that we do have a life outside of school and work. It might not be much, but a life none the less!
Cameron and I have been married for almost a year now! Neither one of us can believe how fast the time has flown. We've had a lot of unexpected surprises since we started this new adventure of marriage together. I really think Cameron was shocked when we moved into our first apartment and he realized, not all girls can decorate! Sorry honey! But of all the surprises we've had we both agree that the best one was when we found out we were expecting. I am now 23 weeks along and we are having a baby boy! We couldn't be happier.

I was thinking about starting our blog from this point in our marriage and then to move on from here, but then I decided it would be fun to go back to the beginning and do a recap of the fun things we've done since being sealed together in the Bountiful Temple!

May 8, 2009 The Beginning!
We got married on a gorgeous day in the Bountiful Temple. These are some of my favorite moments that day!

This is as we were coming out the doors of the Temple.

This is me with my mother and grandmother!

They almost dropped me!

One of my favorite pictures from that day!!!

Some of the nephews I inherited!

Who thinks my dress is gorgeous? Yeah, I thought so!

Me and my new sisters, minus one! Hot stuff, woo woo!

Always take time to smell the flowers!

Cameron and his parents.

Me with my parents.

Like I said, it was a beautiful day!

There are lots more pictures and I'll probably post them during a week when nothing else has really happened. I guess that's the bonus of starting my blog this late into our marriage, I'll always have something to fall back on!