Monday, January 17, 2011

Michael Updates

He loves stuffed animals!

Yum! French Fries!

Nap time!

He has taken a liking to bottles lately!

Michael's First Christmas

It was Michael's first Christmas! He just started rolling a couple weeks ago. One day while I was wrapping presents, I got up and went into the kitchen, when I came back he had rolled over to the tree and had opened one of my presents! He did it again a few days later with one of Cameron's! I guess he got the gist of Christmas and just wanted to get on with it!

Our second Christmas tree since we got married!

This was an 'on' year for the Mott's. We spent Christmas Eve there. Christmas morning we woke up to a room full of presents.

Michael loves the teddy bear he got.

Merry Christmas!

Michael's Blessing

It looks like it's time to play catch up and write about things that have happened over the past few months.

Michael C. Mott was blessed on November 7, 2010. It was a beautiful blessing. We had our families there. It was a great experience to have Cameron bless his first child. The spirit was so strong and I am grateful that Cam is a worthy priesthood holder. It was kind of funny though, because Michael was asleep up until they took him to the front and he woke up screaming! I could barely hear Cameron over the crying and yelling! I figured something like that would happen!

After the blessing we all went over to our apartment to have soup and rolls. I don't know how, but we got 27 people in our tiny apartment!

Me and Cameron with Michael.

Randy and DiAnn with Michael.

I always got a kick out of this one!

Amber and Chelsea helped take some cute photos of him.

I love that big bottom lip!

Cameron is the best at making him laugh!

The pictures with my parents and grandparents holding Michael are on another camera. I'll have to find them.

We are grateful that we have so many family members living so close. We were happy to have everyone over to share this experience with us.

Cam's New Hobby

So Cameron, being the computer savvy guy that he is, decided to start building computers and then sell them online. He has been having a lot of fun with it. I don't understand anything he tells me about them. When he talks to me about them, all I hear is gigabyte this and hard drive that and even though he has explained these things to me a million times, I'm still clueless!

This was the first one he built. I love the blue fans!

I loved that you could see inside it.

This is the second one he built. It also has the cool blue lights.

This is the inside of it.

It looks like this one will sell tomorrow! Yeah! Cameron had a lot of people interested in it and he might end up custom building some. Cameron has been having a lot of fun with this. And I don't mind that he has a hobby that can bring in a little extra money!